Schedule shift supports social-emotional learning
The Pathways integration across District 191 reached the schedule in the fall of 2020. The Advisory period was evolved to build in social-emotional learning curriculum and career and college readiness at the middle and high school levels.
The change allowed for the development of healthy and intentional ways to help students explore in a safe, nonacademic environment, and built another natural bridge between middle and high school.
Additionally, both the Math and English & Language Arts (ELA) blocks at the middle school level were altered for students to receive more assistance and reinforce understanding. In the past, these instruction times were intentionally broken up to compliment one another, but one of the biggest challenges was that the instructors weren’t consistent. For example, math instructors weren’t necessarily assigned to the same set of students for intervention (assistance). Becquer said that the new middle school schedule provides that consistency.
Embedded honors
Another one of the benefits of reimagining the school schedule at the middle school level is the opportunity to weave the honors program through intentional differentiation in the classroom.
To do this, District 191 science teachers are working with a nationally recognized trainer to build their capacity for this teaching model. Additionally, all teachers are receiving training from a professor of gifted and talented students from Hamline University to develop the right kinds of challenges for their diverse classrooms.