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Middle schoolers showcase projects in virtual science fair

Middle schoolers showcase projects in virtual science fair

Several students from Eagle Ridge and Nicollet Middle Schools participated in this year’s virtual science fair and qualified to compete in regional competition.  

Participants included:

Eagle Ridge Middle School:

  • Annika Engebretson, 6th grade
  • A.J. Hoger, 6th grade
  • Minhphuong Le, 6th grade
  • Shahad Mohamud, 6th grade
  • Alex Sum, 6th grade
  • Leslie Tepoxteco Rexa, 6th grade
  • Isaac Wening, 6th grade
  • Taylor Currie, 6th grade
  • Analia Cortez, 6th grade
  • Emma Cook, 6th grade
  • Nehemiah Mandere, 6th grade
  • Solane Tesfaye, 6th grade
  • Olivia Hamann, 7th grade
  • Lauren Bachmeier, 8th grade
  • Joseph Ong, 8th grade
  • Nabila Herse, 8th grade

Nicollet Middle School:

  • Abby Christman, 6th grade
  • Leena Deecarlo-Omoruyi, 6th grade
  • Theo Diep, 6th grade

“Despite being online and learning virtually, we had an amazing turnout of science fair projects,” said Pat Mosey, Eagle Ridge science teacher and science fair adviser. “Thank you Eagle Ridge Middle School students for all of your hard work! We appreciate you taking on the added work to complete a science fair project. Your passion for science showed in your projects!”

“I am so proud of my students because of how much they accomplished on their own while working at home,’ added Scott Nemetz, Nicollet Middle School science teacher and science fair adviser. “All of my students showed such determination and problem-solving skills in completing their projects.”

Science fair projects were required to be submitted to the Twin Cities Regional Science Fair by Feb. 5, and judging will take place virtually from Feb. 19-26 – culminating with a virtual awards ceremony on Feb. 28 at 1 p.m.